Saturday, December 25, 2010

pressies! good for me!

xmas day pressy extravaganza jamboree!

kia ora, cuzzy-cobbers!

i have a some kiwi-cuzzies i need to teach the way of the kiozzy*

*kiwi-aussie hybrid...i just made that up...auswi? kizzie?

crikey, it's crimbo-time!


Friday, December 24, 2010




more 'te papa'... our place!

kiwis! wetas! monkeys?

poi e = old school!

dalvanius prime would be stoked as
...or i might get my beans, bro

for the non-kiwis, check this out:

te papa!

got me some culture!

me and grandda in noo zeelund

first aeroplane ride

this is your captain speaking, we are now descending into wellington, please make sure you seat backs are upright, your tray tables are secure and your dummies are ready for sucking...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

play group crimbo

let there be balloons!

let there be static!

whoa! man in a red suit!

let there be drums! and there was!

photos by steve (nice work!) see his other photos of the day here

Sunday, December 12, 2010

strange man in a red suit

trev be thy name

Monday, November 29, 2010

charlie in checks


yes, it was fun...

career paths?

artist (crayon on paper)

banker (deposits only)

bartender (* please see disclaimer)

horse trainer (or flamenco dancer, one or the other)

vet (like in footrot flats)

air con guy (for the obvious reasons)

* of course, charlie did not drink any beer. what kind of parents do you think we are? answers on a postcard...

play group crimbo critters

charlie + ruby + chop

life's like a box of chocolates...

there's always a giggly-growly-lion one somewhere (grrrr!)


gurls have got girly-germs, but they have nice smiles and generally smell pretty good too...

bounce bounce bounce


sand in me pants

which tool for the job?
bay watch slow mo

 oooh, sand isnt welcome there

thats uncomfortable...

just plain messy

yoghurt (smeared)

? strawberry ?

icing sugar, sweeeet!

cheesy pasta bake. on my boat race.

corn, best worn

various snacks. spread out.

messy play group

i like paint